Queen Elizabeth Prepares For English Cricket Team Homecoming

The English Cricket Team is in for a bit of a surprise when they get home from Australia. “Watch out when your plane lands lads.” Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth doesn’t look to happy, and it looks like she’s got an army behind her too.
Read More6 Tips For Better Time Management At Work
Do you feel constantly rushed? Are you always running to the bus stop? Are your reports always late? Do colleagues shake their heads in despair when you clatter into the office 20 minutes late every day? If so, then you’re probably not as organised as you could be. Read on to find out how to manage your time better and stay ahead of the game. Prioritise Faced with an overwhelming amount of work can be paralysing. Not knowing where to start is the biggest problem, and so we end up trying to three or four things at the same time. Even if you’re an expert multi-tasker then this normally doesn’t work out very well. So before you start, take five minutes to write a list of all you need to do, and then prioritise it into Urgent and Non Urgent. The result? Important jobs get done first. Delegate Even better than prioritising is delegation. Passing the buck onto someone else is a tried and trusted method for reducing the workload – and you won’t even have to take the blame if anything goes wrong. Get to Work Earlier or Leave Later This isn’t really a time management technique, but it will certainly help you to get more done. Even an hour a day can make a world of difference. Hopefully, you won’t have any other distractions either, as, like homework club, anyone who is there with you will be there to work too. Handling Information As fast as we process information, even more seems to arrive. Painting the Forth Bridge never seemed so attractive. So looking at ways to reduce the time spent managing information is vital. For example, set a specified time for dealing with emails, make the most of information software and idea management software, properly file your desktop documents and audit them once a month, and keep a tidy desk. Remember that vast amounts of time are squandered through disorganisation, so always be as organised as you possibly can be. Get Rid of Distractions It might be hard to get rid of your more attractive and therefore distracting colleagues, but you can still do a lot to help yourself keep focus on work. Make a strict rule not to do anything non-work related until you have finished a task, and resist the mighty temptation of logging into Facebook or Twitter. (Unless you’re in marketing, in...
Read MoreCommunication In the Future
For this year’s annual update to PostgreSQL, the developers behind the open source databasehave added several new ways to communicate with other databases and data storage systems. PostgeSQL’s foreign data wrappers, which have been used since PostgreSQL 9.1 to read data from other systems, can now also be programmed to write data to non-PostgreSQL systems as well. [ Andrew C. Oliver answers the question on everyone’s mind: Which freaking database should I use? | Keep up with the latest approaches to managing information overload and compliance in InfoWorld’s Enterprise Data Explosion Digital Spotlight. ] Such two-way data exchanges could help developers write programs that fuse multiple sources of data, both the structured data that PostgreSQL holds as well as semi-structured data stored on NoSQL systems. For those who wish to bridge together two copies of the PostgreSQL itself, the development group has also released a federation driver that provides a speedier way to execute PostgreSQL-to-PostgreSQL data transactions. Although perhaps not as well known as the MySQL open source database, PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, has found work in many organizations, such as for Microsoft’s Skype operations, Yahoo, Reddit, Facebook’s Instagram, Sony and BASF. At least one company, EnterpriseDB, offers commercial support for the software. Other features have been added to ease the developer’s interactions with the database as well. The database’s support for the JSON (JavaScript Simple Object Notation), a favored way to send and receive data to a Web application, has been expanded. Developers can now create modules, called background workers, to help automate, stage and execute actions of applications using PostgreSQL. For instance, one worker that has already been created called Mongres reformats queries written for the MongoDB NoSQL data store so they can be understood by PostgreSQL. Other new developer-friendly features for PostgreSQL 9.3 include automatically updatable views, lateral joins and a parallel copying routine, called pg_dump, to speed backups of large databases. Improvements have also been made to further improve the reliability of the database. In a new feature called fast failover, PostgreSQL 9.3 can switch operations from the master database to the replica database in less than a second. The database also can now run data page checksums to ensure data in the database has not been altered, which could provide evidence of failing hard...
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