Queen Elizabeth Prepares For English Cricket Team Homecoming

The English Cricket Team is in for a bit of a surprise when they get home from Australia. “Watch out when your plane lands lads.” Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth doesn’t look to happy, and it looks like she’s got an army behind her too.
Read MoreBreaking News : Netregistry.com.au Hacked? Malware Detected

Media Alert Sydney 18th December (OZFAX.com.au), It would appear that Netregistry, one of Australia’s largest domain name and web hosting companies had been infected with Malware. According to Google’s Chrome Bowser, Content from havemoneyfrom.com, a known malware distributor had been inserted into the webpage. Also according to Chrome, “Visiting this page is now very likely to infect your computer with malware.” It continues with the warning “Malware is malicious software that causes things like identity theft, financial loss, and permanent file deletion.” Also according to web site security experts, sucuri.net, the site has been infected with known Javascript malware, which is hidden in iFrames. Sucuri.net reports that malware has been detected on as many as nine of Netregistry’s web pages, including the main page, resellers and the contact us page. When a confidential source contated the company, a member of Netregistry’s support staff stated that the problem was caused by an IP address conflict but when pressed, confirmed that it’s website was in fact experiencing malware issues and did not comment further. ##ends## Editorial Note. This article may be distributed freely providing credit is given to...
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