Breaking News : Hacked? Malware Detected

Media Alert Sydney 18th December (, It would appear that Netregistry, one of Australia’s largest domain name and web hosting companies had been infected with Malware. According to Google’s Chrome Bowser, Content from, a known malware distributor had been inserted into the webpage. Also according to Chrome, “Visiting this page is now very likely to infect your computer with malware.” It continues with the warning “Malware is malicious software that causes things like identity theft, financial loss, and permanent file deletion.” Also according to web site security experts,, the site has been infected with known Javascript malware, which is hidden in iFrames. reports that malware has been detected on as many as nine of Netregistry’s web pages, including the main page, resellers and the contact us page. When a confidential source contated the company, a member of Netregistry’s support staff stated that the problem was caused by an IP address conflict but when pressed, confirmed that it’s website was in fact experiencing malware issues and did not comment further. ##ends## Editorial Note. This article may be distributed freely providing credit is given to...
Read MoreFive Common Credit Card Receipt Printer Problems and Their Solutions

The world is living on credit cards and this is evidenced by the fact that every online store you visit today has an option for paying via credit card. It has been the way of surviving for many young and old Americans. It is all over, the usefulness of these cards cannot be overemphasized. It is the same popularity that has extended well into the domain of credit card receipt printers. These printers come either as standalone units or built in with the credit card terminal. Whatever the arrangement, their functionality does not change and their usefulness keeps on increasing by the day. These printers also come either as dot matrix printers or thermal printers. A thermal credit card receipt printer is slightly more expensive compared to a dot matrix but when it comes to printing speed, they are incomparable; the thermal printer does 10 to 15 lines each second while the dot matrix can only achieve 4 lines per second. It does not matter the kind of credit card printer that you install; whether thermal or dot matrix. All types of printers will develop problems at one point or the other in their useful life span. Below is an analysis of the most common problems and includes ways in which they may be fixed. Changing Of Papers When using traditional credit card receipt printers, you may from time to time experience problems while changing papers. This can be frustrating not only to you but also to your clients. It can lead to time wastage and it will more than likely lead to an avalanche of customer complaints. When changing papers, it may indicate that the respective tray is empty while it has papers or it may just fail to register the new roll. This problem results in time wastage and it can easily lower your productivity as a business. To avoid this kind of paper change problems, you can invest in credit card receipt printers which have a drop-in paper loading functionality. This will make the paper loading process simple and cut off your overall customer complaints by nearly half. Failed Receipt Printer Cutting Facility This is also a common problem that affects most printers. The cutting apparatus in the printer is the one that is responsible for chopping off a receipt at the end of a transaction. This can also be another inconvenience for your...
Read More6 Tips For Better Time Management At Work
Do you feel constantly rushed? Are you always running to the bus stop? Are your reports always late? Do colleagues shake their heads in despair when you clatter into the office 20 minutes late every day? If so, then you’re probably not as organised as you could be. Read on to find out how to manage your time better and stay ahead of the game. Prioritise Faced with an overwhelming amount of work can be paralysing. Not knowing where to start is the biggest problem, and so we end up trying to three or four things at the same time. Even if you’re an expert multi-tasker then this normally doesn’t work out very well. So before you start, take five minutes to write a list of all you need to do, and then prioritise it into Urgent and Non Urgent. The result? Important jobs get done first. Delegate Even better than prioritising is delegation. Passing the buck onto someone else is a tried and trusted method for reducing the workload – and you won’t even have to take the blame if anything goes wrong. Get to Work Earlier or Leave Later This isn’t really a time management technique, but it will certainly help you to get more done. Even an hour a day can make a world of difference. Hopefully, you won’t have any other distractions either, as, like homework club, anyone who is there with you will be there to work too. Handling Information As fast as we process information, even more seems to arrive. Painting the Forth Bridge never seemed so attractive. So looking at ways to reduce the time spent managing information is vital. For example, set a specified time for dealing with emails, make the most of information software and idea management software, properly file your desktop documents and audit them once a month, and keep a tidy desk. Remember that vast amounts of time are squandered through disorganisation, so always be as organised as you possibly can be. Get Rid of Distractions It might be hard to get rid of your more attractive and therefore distracting colleagues, but you can still do a lot to help yourself keep focus on work. Make a strict rule not to do anything non-work related until you have finished a task, and resist the mighty temptation of logging into Facebook or Twitter. (Unless you’re in marketing, in...
Read MoreCan micro video change how we communicate?
Can micro video change how we communicate? Newsnight’s David Grossman reports on the bite-sized social videos that could change the world. And we also want to see how creative you can be with just 30 seconds of recording time. Throughout the week of Monday 2 to Friday 6 September we want you to send us your micro videos – short form videos usually shot on mobiles or tablets. Your bite-sized shorts can be up to a maximum of 30 seconds long and on any subject – funny, sad, thoughtful or ludicrous – we don’t mind as long as they’re interesting. Some of our favourites will be broadcast on BBC Newsnight programme and showcased on the BBC news website. Send in your micro videos...
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